Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An Introduction to People Connect

When I launched my site, I posted it on a few networking forums, and asked for feedback with the intent that it would reflect my goals and the needs of the people.

Among the many visitors, two of them commented specifically on my People Connect page, which I first called “Currency Exchange.”  The first person saidhe wished more people offered non-monetary services.  The second person said it seemed like begging for people to hire me.  Not at all.  However, I took her words to heart and redesigned my concept in such a way that it reflected my passion.

So, I changed the link title from “Currency Exchange” to “People Connect.”  When I think of the word currency, I think of interpersonal or social exchanges that lead to goals.  If a store owner wants to sell something, he/she may tell loyal customers they are selling an item.  If they do not buy that item, they might recommend it to someone they know.  In that example, relationships are just as important, if not more important, than the currency of money. 

Since most people think of the almighty dollar when they think of currency, I re-titled it to reflect my goals.  After I thought about the goal for my site—to connect people and ideas through SEO content—the answer became clear—People Connect. 

In the first version of People Connect, I offered to exchange my services for non-monetary services.  I reasoned that because of the economy, fear might keep people from hiring someone to write SEO content for them.  So, I offered my services without the worry of money.

In the second version—the current version—of People Connect, I offer to work with people through a non-monetary exchange; though, rather than offering to write SEO content for someone in exchange for them mowing my lawn (I jest), I offer to engage in a non-monetary exchange with those who would like to work with me in forming a database of trustworthy professionals.  The major difference between the two versions is that in the first I offer to work with people who are willing to exchange non-monetary services, whereas in the second I offer to work with people in that capacity or to simply review a professional’s web site.

For those who would like to connect with me via People Connect, but do not need my SEO content services, I will review their website.  If I feel their services, their mission statement, and their goals reflect the kind of person I would want to work with, and would recommend others to, I will add them to People Connect.  For those who do not need SEO services, I require a website to review; however, I know not everyone has the time or money to maintain a website.  For those who would like to work with me, via a non-monetary exchange, I list some ideas on my website; however, I am always open to new ideas.

For those interest in my idea for people connect, I would recommend that you visit my People Connect FAQ page or in the People Connect tab on www.erickpettersen.com.  Among some of the most recent people I connect with, Tom Ash launched a couple of websites that Pay it Forward (www.agentspayingforward.com and www.acnpayngforward.com).  When you hire me through either of those sites, a percentage of the proceeds go to benefit those charities I sponsor.  For more on Tom ashes sites, via this blog, please stay tuned.  Tom and I are collaborating on how we cay pay it forward for each other.  Look for more information on his vision via this site; but until then, please feel free to visit his About Page.

In my next blog, I will talk more about my vision to work with non-profits, so please come back for more on me and People Connect.  I look forward to working with some of the most innovative, progressive people out there, and I look forward to a better tomorrow.  Also, I want to know how you feel about this.  Yes, the database is a personal reference system of professionals who believe in achieving goals through collaborative efforts; though, I want to make it collaborative.  For that reason, I would like to know any of your thoughts about this.  Of course, if you are an entrepreneur or know one, who would like me to list them on People Connect, let me know.


Until next time, stay connected.



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